Well friends, after weeks and weeks of crazy hot weather ... I think I can safely say that Fall is finally here.
This morning I woke up and put my flippers (flip - flops) on ... walked outside ... and my toes were actually chilly.
I loved it.
I am so thankful that there is no 90 degree weather in this weeks future.
I'm sure my grass is thankful too ... or maybe it's too late. I'm really worried that it might be dead.
Anyways, if you know Starbucks slang then you know that this is a pumpkin spice latte. The perfect Fall treat.
E and I have lots of fun plans for the next couple of weeks. Maybe I'll even bring my camera along and document a few of them.
I'm looking forward to a relaxing weekend at a lovely lake house with a bunch of our best friends.
Dinner on Saturday to celebrate E and my Dad's birthday.
And a much needed girl's va - cay to South Carolina.
That's what is in the lineup for October.
It is going to be such a good month.
Other news ...
thanks to my AMAZING husband, our cabinets are finally finished.
I'm thinking that I am going to photograph them and share this week.
They look amazing. It brightens up the kitchen so much. I am really glad that we left some of the doors off. Best decision by far.
If you're looking to paint your cabinets then please feel free to email me and I can give you the step - by - step process that we did.
Also, I will warn you ... do not begin this project unless you're crazy committed.
It is worth it though.
My second goal is to put in new counter tops and finish other odds and ends before the end of the year.
That's the goal.
More news ...
God has been amazing me in some BIG ways lately.
He is so so good and faithful to me - even when I am not.
I promise to share soon.
Other random news ...
I recently started reading this book - Mennonite in a Little Black Dress.
I really like it - it's hysterical.
If you need a little humor in your life, then I would suggest you pick it up.
Alright so there's a few random things going on in the Ridd household.
Really excited for Fall - hopefully that will encourage me to take more pictures, make more jewelry, and blog more.
We'll see...