Thursday, December 30, 2010

on the walls

I am thinking that the walls in Parker's nursery need this board and batten effect. 

I love the detail that it adds to the room. 
I especially love the upper shelf. 

I'm hoping to learn how to create one of the fun mood boards so I can share all of my nursery ideas with you. Anyone know how to create a mood board without photo shop?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

pregnancy diaries - 20 weeks

here's the update:

how preggo am I?
20 weeks
I am officially 1/2 way there!!! I have been waiting to be able to say that. I really hope that the 2nd half goes by quickly, but I've heard from a lot of people that it goes by slower than the first 1/2.

We're having a BOY!

and he has a name:
Parker John Ridd

weight gain:
I haven't weighed myself since my last dr.'s appointment (where I had gained around 15 lbs). I definitely think I am going to be on the higher end of the weight gain spectrum, but I am trying not to worry about it. Supposively they say the smaller you are starting off, the more weight you're allowed to gain - so I will blame it on that! I am going to ask for a bike for my bday in March to try to lose some of the weight after he comes.

maternity clothes:
I am pretty much wearing all maternity pants. I still use the belly band every now and then, but I think the maternity pants are a lot more comfy. I feel like the band rides up all the time.

I was also excited this week when I finally found a pair of maternity jeggings! Now I can once again wear my boots.

I also had a mini "nothing fits me" breakdown recently. I remember the same thing happening when I noticed all of my pants getting tight. I am now set in the pants department, but this time it was wth shirts. I had one of those frantic, highly emotional moments when I rummaged through my closet and every shirt I tried on felt tight and too short. I guess this is just what happenens when your belly grows, so I will enbrace it. So, now I am wearing about 1/2 regular shirts and 1/2 maternity. Thankfully I found a few great maternity shirts at Old Navy for only $8 each.
 difficult to tell if it's him or not because the movement doesn't feel like kicks yet. I feel him the most when I am sitting on the couch at night and when I am driving in my car. E and I are getting really excited for the day when we can both feel him. Hopefully it will come in the next couple weeks.

I feel him moving around almost every day. Sometimes it's still hard to tell if it's really him, because it's such a weird feeling. I feel him moving the most when I am sitting on the couch at night and when I am driving in my car. I am really looking forward to the day when E and I can both feel him from the outside. Hopefully it will be soon.

I was sleeping perfectly ... then we went out of town for Christmas and everything seemed to fall apart. I slept terrible while we were away from home. The # of times I got up to pee went from 2 to like 4 ... and I felt like I just rolled from one side to the other all night. So sad. I was back in my bed last nigtht, and I do think that I slept a little better. I think I only got up 2 times to pee. You would think I would know for sure, but I'm so used to getting up now that it just feels like I am in a daze and can't remember if I actually got up or not. Yesterday, E and I were out shopping and I picked up a gigantic body pillow. I am serious ... it's huge. I feel like there is another person in my bed. Hopefully it will help keep me comfortable as this little man grows in my belly.

what I miss:
Lately, there hasn't really been anything that I miss. Maybe just being able to take a really hot bath.

I still love Chipotle! I don't go there all the time ... although I would like to. I think I would eat there a lot more if there was one in the city where I work ... it's probaly good for my budget that there is not one.

I am also still craving cinnamon ice cream. I searched everywhere (and I heard some of you were on the hunt too - thank you!) and had no luck. So when E and I were in OH this past week we went to the store where his parents get it. At first glance it looked like they were all out, but thankfully E found one last tub hidden in the back. Tomorrow is E and I's anniversary, and I am thinking that after dinner we will have to come home and have cinnamon ice cream for desert.

I also have had a few milk shake and pizza cravings.

Well, the obvious - my belly is growing. I still get a little shocked each time I look in the mirror. I am still not used to it.

I also feel like I've been a little more emotional / moody lately. I'm usually not much of a crier, but lately the tears have been coming a lot more easily.

I still have a faint pain in my right side every now and then. It's not really my hip and not really my butt... kind of in between. It doesn't hurt all the time, but every now and then when I move or twist around I can feel it.

I also have noticed that my face has been breaking out more ... stupid hormones.

And ... like always I've been a little extra tired. Not as tired as I was during the first tri-mester, but more fatigued than my normal.

That's about it. I seriously cannot complain. I feel like I have had it really easy. The majority of days I physically feel very normal and wouldn't even know I was pregnant if I didn't have this baby bump.

best moment (s) of the week:
I loved telling some of our close friends and family his name. It's also fun to be able to call him by name now.

Another fun momen was seeing my mom's side of the family for Chirstmas. No one on that side had seen me pregnant yet, so it was fun seeing their reactions to my bulging belly.

Also, E's mom gave us a bunch of fun baby gifts for Christmas. It was so exciting, and also made it feel all the more real.

One more thing ... we found our crib! I have been searing craigs list for a jenny lind crib, and while we were home for Christms, E's mom told me that she had one in the attic. It is in great condition, and I am so excited that Parker will be sleeping in the same crib that his daddy slept in. Now we have a crib, dresser/changing table, and mobile! Everything is coming together. I am really going to work on cleaning/organizing/purging things in our house, and then start working on his room. I have lots of ideas going. I hope they all come together! Can't wait to share them with you.

#1: Please pray that Parker would be growing to be a healthy and strong little baby.

#2. Lately, E and I have been talking a lot about our future as parents. We're processing if I will work full-time, part-time, or stay at home. We're figuring out what we can afford, and what we feel like God is calling us to. These are big decisions, and to be honest, I feel a little anxious about it. Please pray that God would make the path for E and I very clear, and that we would trust Him for all of our needs. Thanks everyone :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

under the tree

All of our presents are wrapped and under the tree. 
This year I stuck with the $ store kraft paper. I added a few paper doilies, and whatever other yarn and scraps I found around the house. 

The next step tomorrow is to pack up all the gifts and head North. 
Sorry for the short post, but I am off to bed. I am up way too late. I guess it's because I know that I don't have to wake up to my alarm tomorrow morning. 
Oh yeah, have I mentioned that I am now officially on Christmas vacation? 
Well I am & I am pretty excited about it. 

Even though I am up late, I am hoping to get up early tomorrow and do a little thrifting. I am on the lookout for a rocker/glider and jenny lind crib. Wish me luck and lots of cheap treasures.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

prenatal yoga

In lieu of yesterday's milkshake post, I thought it would be appropriate to share that I am going to start participating in a prenatal yoga class. 

I am really excited to start doing something, as I haven't done any physical activity since I became pregnant. Go ahead, judge me. 

I am super excited because a few other preggo ladies I know are going to join me. 

I'll let you know how it goes. 

PS- if you're local and pregnant, then you may be interested in knowing that Central Baptist Hospital offers prenatal yoga classes for a very reasonable price. Here's their link.

Monday, December 20, 2010

what I am craving tonight

While watching The Sing Off ... I was interrupted by an intense craving.
Thankfully I have a chick fil a near my house and a very loving husband

PS- I am still planning on sharing some pictures of the holiday decor around the Ridd house ... that is if I ever get home from work before it is dark outside!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

pregnancy diaries - 17 weeks

a little update:

how preggo am I?
17 weeks 
(actually I am 18 weeks today, but I like to recap the week before)

If you didn't get a chance to read the last preggo update, then you missed the big reveal - 
We're having a little baby 
E and I couldn't be more excited. I had a strong gut feeling that it was going to be a boy - I guess mom's know best. Baby boy still doesn't have a name, but we're working on it. It's so hard to commit to one name for the rest of someone's life! 

weight gain:
I'm not 100% sure. We don't own a scale, so I only go on what I weigh every 4 weeks at my dr's appointments. I am not sure what I started out at, but I do know that when I went to the dr. today they said I gained 5 lbs since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. If I had to guess, I would say I've gained 15 lbs. Today, my dr. said that I was right on track ... that made me feel really relieved bc I was worried that I was gaining too much.

maternity clothes:
Thanks to my amazing friend Angie, I discovered the wonderful world of the belly band. Yep, that's what I'm wearing in the pictures above. She let me borrow hers, so now I'm back to wearing a lot of my normal pants. This really helps with the work attire. I also still wear my one pair of Gap maternity jeans all the time. 
I'm currently on the hunt for a good pair of jeggings. Just what every pregnant lady needs - spandex that looks like denim. 
I still love wearing my normal leggings, but it's been a little chilly for those.
I am wearing all normal shirts. Sometimes I put a maternity tank under them to make them a little longer, but for the most part my regular shirts still fit great. And yes, I am wearing the same shirt in this post as I was in the post from a couple days ago. Hey, when you're pregnant I've found that you get a couple of go to outfits and stick with those. 

Every now and then I feel him moving around in there and I LOVE IT. Feeling him move is one of my favorite parts of being pregnant. I can't wait until E can feel him too. It still feels like someone has a spoon and is stirring the inside of my stomach. I don't feel him move everyday, but probably around every other. I notice that I feel him most at night when I am sitting on the couch and in my car when I can commuting to work. 

I've been sleeping great. I'm on the same, up once a night to pee schedule, but that's not too bad. I can't sleep in as long as I used to, but I guess that's my bodies way of preparing me for having a baby. On the weekends I used to sleep until 10 or 11, and now I feel very awake at 8.

what I miss:
diet coke, hot baths (today my dr. told me that I couldn't take baths at all anymore) ... I think that's about it.

I still crave Chipotle about every single day. I will eat it everyday if someone will take me. 
I am also craving cinnamon ice cream. I had some when I was visiting E's parents over Thanksgiving, and now I can't find it anywhere. I've looked at more than one Krogers, Wal-Mart, and Good Foods Co - op. I usually don't stop at Whole Foods (too pricey), but I'm about to stop in and check. If you are at the store, could you please keep an eye out for some cinnamon ice cream ??? 
Another weird one, but bacon. I haven't craved it a lot, but today I came home from work and instead of starting dinner I fried up some bacon. Healthy right? E looked at my like I was absolutely crazy when he came home.

I've had a few symptoms here and there, but overall I feel like I have been SOOOO lucky. I'm scared that my 3rd trimester or labor is going to be a nightmare, because things I have just been too easy so far.
A few things that I have experienced in the past week:
Heartburn. I had not experienced heartburn until recently. It doesn't last long, and it's not every day, but it is uncomfortable. 

I have also had some pain in my abdominal / pelvic area. I believe the technical name for this is round ligament pain. Sometimes when I sneeze I get a real sharp pain. 

A couple times I've also had a throbbing like pain in my legs. Not a sharp pain, just an achy feeling. I really don't know what that is from. If you know, then please let me know.

You can't really tell from the picture, but I have the dark line down my belly. 
I am also feeling a little veiny. I guess it's all that extra blood. 

I'll be honest and say that I've been a little moody lately too. I'm sure E would agree with this. I've been crying more, not in an I'm depressed way. I just seem to freak out a little easier these days. Sorry!

best moment of the week:
It's been a pretty low key week with the frigid temps out there, but I do have a couple highlights -

The baby books say that our baby boy can now hear things. I have loved having E and other friends talk to him. 

One night this week I went out to dinner with two other preggo ladies. It was so much fun. We laughed about our weight, the changes in our bodies, our fears, and shared in the joy that comes with carrying a little life inside of you.

Since we know that I is a boy, I have also began the process of planning his nursery. I haven't really bought anything yet, but I am collecting lots of ideas. I'll try to be a little crafty and create one of the mood boards once I have all the details nailed down. It's fun having an excuse to decorate a room :)

Also this week, E and I had to take a little trip to Babies R Us / Toys R Us to buy a gift. We roamed around the aisles and became excited about little things like buying our little man leggos someday. 

Here's another little artsy like photo:

If you're observant, then maybe you noticed the new bling on my wrist. I posted about this watch a couple weeks ago, and said that it was #1 on my Christmas list. Well .. E surprised me with it a little! He is truly the best husband in the world. I know with all the crazy pregnancy hormones that I definitely do not tell him that enough.

Monday, December 13, 2010

stells and her dad

It's a winter wonderland here ... and E has finals this week ... so we've been spending a lot of time at home & out of the cold.

Last night I snapped these pictures on my iphone of him cuddling Stella.

Sometimes I wonder how she will react when another baby comes into our lives. 

For now, I guess I'll let her eat it up.

These pictures make me so happy. 
I think it's because they remind me of what an AMAZING dad he will be.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

going the chapel & girl christmas - and lots of crafts

Wow friends it has been one amazing weekend ... full of surprises and a lot of quality time with friends. 

For the past 72 hours, we've entertained house guests, ate a lot of food, celebrated engagements, celebrated birthdays, celebrated work Christmas parties, and celebrated girl Christmas.

Not to mention that we stayed up until like 3:00 am like we're still in college. 
No pregnant lady should still be awake at 3:00 am - but it was so worth it.

The weekend started out with a little surprise! 

Our friend Andy popped the question ... and she said yes! 
We celebrated with a late night surprise engagement party!

Here we are huddled around her lovely rock :)

A couple other photos from the night

(Holly was telling little baby how much she loved him) 

Congrats Shannon and Andy :)
E and I are so excited that we were able to share in this amazing weekend with you. Marriage is an AMAZING blessing. I can't wait for you to experience it.

I can't wait to help you plan your wedding! I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle ... you're going to be one lovely little bride! I might even cry a little. 

I can't believe that I'll have a little baby at your wedding! I really can't believe it. 
So many good things to come :)

 Now onto the crafts...

Last year I shared about our annual girl Christmas here. Since our Junior year of high school a few of my favorite ladies in the whole wide world have got together to exchange gifts. 

The group has changed a little over the years, and we've added a few, but four of us have been celebrating together for over 8 years. 
I love these ladies. They are amazing women. 

(Cory is so so pretty)

"Girl Christmas" is probably my favorite gift exchange of the entire year. I love it so much because for the past three years we've added a little stipulation - all the gifts have to be handmade. 
For the past two years we've committed to making one small craft for everyone - so I make 5 of the same small crafts. When you really get creative, it's amazing the creative and super useful things that you can make for $20 - $30.

Here are a few of this years creations ...

Little baby boy (who will have a name someday soon) also received a little handmade goodness

So much joy in one weekend.
Now it's going to be really hard to go back to work tomorrow!

I'll be back soon with this week's preggo update...

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Last night, I was mindlessly searching everything baby for an embarrassing amount of time! 
While browsing The Land of Nod (let me just say that I REALLY WISH we had this store close). Land of Nod - please come to Lexington, and if that is too much to ask, maybe Cincinnati.
Anyways, I came upon this really fun monogrammed gift wrapping ...

 Now I am way too cheap to pay almost $2.00 for each letter ... so I am just going to print my own letters on large card sock. So simple. I love it. I already have the baker's twine, and I'll pick the kraft paper up at our Dollar Tree. 

Now I just need to finish up with my Christmas shopping. I'm getting here. 

If you don't want to put the time into making your own letters, then you can buy them here.