Thursday, June 30, 2011

it's been so long

It's late and I need to be in bed because I have to work tomorrow.
And I have to get up in the middle of the night to feed our little man.
But, Eric just reminded me that I haven't blogged in 2 weeks.
I can't even believe it. 
I want this blog to be a form of journal for our family ... so I'm really going to try to not go so long in between posts.

Anyways, it's late and I don't have a lot of time to write ... but I'll share a couple photos from our trip to the farmer's market last Saturday

(little man is getting so tall)


(look at that belly on baby P)


Thursday, June 16, 2011

breakfast, two guys in ties, and more parker

A few things from the past week:

Parker attended his first rehearsal dinner.
He was perfect. Slept the entire time & woke up at the very end so that all the ladies could hold him.

My two favorite guys in their ties, getting ready for the rehearsal dinner.
Thanks Cory for the tie onesies!
The onesie he is wearing in this picture is 3-6 months ... he is growing SO fast! 

Then, the next morning we hosted a breakfast for the bridesmaids 
Aren't they beautiful?
The bride and groom are currently on their honeymoon in the Bahamas!
I am so jealous.
 I keep asking Eric to take me to the beach.
Maybe next year.

Then on Monday, Eric's sister (Aunt Jenn) came and stayed with us for a couple of days.
It was amazing having the extra help around here!
Jenn, we're going to miss you! 
Parker says to come back soon.

Parker loves looking out the window.

Last but not least, a few pictures of Parker lounging on our bed while we were getting ready to take him on a stroller ride tonight. 
It's amazing how much happier he is during his awake time now that he is on his medicine!

That's all I have for now. 
Little man is asleep, so Eric and I are going to watch a movie :)
It's been a long time since we started a movie at almost 10:00. 
Maybe we're crazy ... or maybe things are starting to feel a little more normal.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

a one month re-cap

My little man is already over a month old.
 Actually, he's six weeks old today.
I go back to work in 2 weeks.
The time seems like it has flown by.
But it also seems like he's been apart of our family forever. 

You have no idea how much your mom and dad love you. I love it when you finish eating (and you're a VERY slow eater by the way) and you lay your little head on my chest. You love laying your head on my chest and listening to my heart beat. You're very strong, and already hold your head up so well. You love it when I hold you to burp you and you hold your head up and look out of the window. Now that you're a couple of weeks older, you also love playing on your activity mat. I don't think you follow anything with your eyes yet, but you love looking up at all the toys hanging down. I love reading you books because you're so focused and look right at my because you recognize my voice. You love taking baths with me, but you're very slippery and we need your daddy's help. 

We've had some struggles during this past month. During the first few weeks, you had a hard time eating, but now you're taking your bottle so well. I was a little sad about giving you a bottle, but now I know it is best for you and your daddy and I. Your belly has hurt you a lot during this first month, and it's made for some long days with lots of crying. I am sorry for all of the times I got frustrated with you and didn't understand why you were crying. Now that you're on your medicine, you seem to be much happier.
You still don't love to nap, and you fight sleep. I have to pat you and hold you real close to me until you give in and your eyes start to close. It's also difficult to get you to stay to sleep in your crib during the day. You almost always wake up 30 minutes after you've been asleep (and you're not a happy camper when you wake up) - but that's also getting better now that you've been on your medicine. At night though, you sleep like a champ! When we put you down after you eat at night, you squirm a little, but you very rarely ever cry. You go to sleep on your own, and typically go 4-5 hrs between feedings. 

You've gone so many places already in your first month. You love going places, and you love it when new people hold you. You're usually really good when we're out places, and people think that your daddy and I lie about you crying. 
Other than your struggles with your belly, you've been a very healthy boy. 
You already weigh 11 lbs and sometimes drink 6 oz of milk!

I love you so much Parker. I worry too much about trying to do everything right. I worry about your eating and sleeping way too much. I am trying not to worry and just enjoy every second with you. I know that you will grow up too fast, and I will miss the days when you'd only want to cuddle and lay on my chest. I love everything about you. I love your crazy faces - especially your turtle face. I love your wide eyes, and the way you stare and even cross your eyes. I love your little bubble toes. I love calling you lots of names like - little man, little p, baby p, and peanut. I love it when you're swaddled like a little burrito. I love standing up and holding you between your daddy and I, as we pray for you each night. 
I am so thankful that you're my son. 
I can't wait to watch you grow up. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

look who's one month

Last Friday little P turned one month. 
Wow, this month has been hands down the most life changing month for me. 
It seems crazy that he is already one month, but at the same time, it seems like Parker has been in our lives forever.

When we brought him home we snapped these photos:

(Addie the assistant)

At one month we snapped a few more:

I'll be back soon with a little one month re-cap (and a little letter to Parker)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

the seasons are short

When talking to another mother at church this morning about Parker she said -  
"The days are long, but the seasons are short." 

My goal is to hold onto that.
Even when the days are long and difficult - I still want to enjoy every moment with Parker - because I know that these days will go by quickly. 

With everything in me, I am going to try not to wish them away. 
I want to worry less and love him more. 
That's the goal. 
One day at a time.

As for a little update:
This weekend his definitely been better than last weekend. We were on the go a lot with graduation parties and spending time with friends, and he was way more content. I think my little man is like his mom and dad, and likes to be on the move! 
He sleeps a lot better in his infant seat and with a lot of background noise.
So whatever works right?

When we're at home I still try to put him in his crib for his naps. 
AND - today he actually slept in his crib for 1 1/2 hrs! 
We put in a wedge thing and put a blanket over the window to make it darker. I am not sure if either of those two things made any difference, or if it was just a fluke! haha I am hoping for more long naps in our little man's future.

As for the reflux - I am not sure if I have noticed much difference with the Zantac. 
I called on Friday and told them that he was still squirming and arching his back while he ate, and they upped his dose. We're supposed to call back tomorrow and let the Dr. know if we see any difference - and really I haven't seen much.

So there's the update on our little man. 
It's crazy how I can be equally frustrated, exhausted, and in love with him all at the same time. 

Some other things going on -
on Thursday night I am joining Eric and some of the graduating seniors for a really fun night. I would say what we're doing, but we're leaving it as a surprise for the seniors. Some wonderful friends are going to watch Parker and we're going out! I am really excited. 
Then, on Saturday my parents are coming up to spend some time with Parker while Eric and I attend a wedding. I am excited for Parker to get to spend more time with grandparents ... and I feel like going to a wedding with Eric will almost be like a little date! 
It's crazy how much I used to take spending time with Eric for granted - and now I will cherish the quiet and alone time we have. 

That's about it! Baby P is sleeping in his swing and I'm off to watch a movie with Eric :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

about to pull my hair out

Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately.
I've been a little preoccupied by ...

a screaming baby.
This is not a joke. I am losing my mind.
This is what he looks like ... every second that he is awake.
And he's awake A LOT. He won't sleep at all during the day. I'll feed him and he'll be fussy for a minute afterwards, I'll put him down for a nap ... he'll sleep for about 20-30 minutes and then wake up screaming only to cry until his next feeding. 

I constantly feel like I am doing something wrong. 
I don't even think he's been conditioned to cry to be held because even when I hold him he keeps crying and fussing. 

And so the cycle continues 
crying and won't sleep = won't eat well = more crying = gets himself overstimulated by crying = more crying

People say that they grow out of this. I might go crazy first. 
I called the dr. and described his symptoms and the prescribed him Zantac for reflux.
He's only had 2 doses, but he's crying the same.
He is literally NEVER content. 

Any advice from someone who has gone through this? 
Please email me if you have any thoughts / words of encouragement 

Please pray for us here at the Ridd home...