Monday, March 21, 2011

our first baby shower

This past weekend, my aunt and cousin threw me a fabulous baby shower.
Everything was gorgeous and it was obvious that they paid attention to every detail. 
It was great catching up and spending time with my family.
Here are a few snapshots from the shower ...

Friday, March 18, 2011

team libby shirts

Hey friends! 
I just want to let you know of an amazing opportunity to support my friend Libby.
You can read all about her story here.

Libby is an amazing woman of Christ. 
She has battled cancer over the past 6 months ... and on

APRIL 30, 2011

a group of our friends will be running the Nashville 1/2 Marathon

Over the past 6 months she has used her blog to proclaim who God is, how He's working in her life, and how He's healed her cancer.

You can also help support the Ryder's by purchasing a Team Libby t-shirt.
GO HERE for all the details on ordering a shirt.

The deadline to order your shirt is MARCH 21st!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

more new pieces for Spring

green for St. Patty's Day

find all three here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

use your words

That's a phrase I use a lot at work.

When your two and screaming, kicking, and maybe even hitting people - they call it the terrible twos.

When you're nine and still doing those things -they bring you to see a therapist like me.

"They" meaning the parents bring their kids in and want you (the therapist) to fix them.
Usually it's so much more about "fixing" the parents. 
And then the parents are confused about why I want to see them more than the kids.
Working in community mental health is never dull to say the least.

But anyways, when I work with the kids I teach them ways to talk about their feelings and use their words instead of - kicking, screaming, cussing, hitting, throwing things, ect.

So there's a tiny little bit about my job - which I just realized I hardly ever write about. 
Maybe I'll start writing about it more - leaving out identifying info of course.

All that to say ... I've been using my words at home ... in a different way.
I guess you could view it as a way of taking my work home with me.

A little while ago, the grandfather of a friend of ours passed away. When the family was getting his house ready to sell, they called about asked if we wanted to go through and see if there was anything I could use.

It was my dream. Pretty much an estate sale where everything was free.

I loaded up on doilies, vintage linens, a pair of brass deer that I'm going to spray paint white and use on our mantel for Christmas, vintage playing cards, vintage pyrex dishes, candles, a chair, and a scrabble game.

On a side note, the spider mums in the picture above are the best flowers ever! 
I bought them for $4.00 and they've lasted over 3 weeks. 

That's about all I have for now!
Hope you have a wonderful Tuesday :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

parker's nursery: part 4

Hello Bloggers!
I'm back with more progress on the nursery.
I think I should be on part 7 or something because I've shared a bunch of nursery things in other random posts. 
Oh well! 

For today, I'm going to stick with the theme lately of sharing small snapshots.
I'll keep showing snapshots and close ups until it all evolves and comes together ... and then I'll do a big before and after.

After the reveal, I'm thinking that I'll go back and post a couple diy's on the individual projects. That may be a little ambitious of me, but that's the plan. 
If you've ever curious about something you see, feel free to email or message me! 

So here ya go - a couple snapshots of what's new in baby Parker's room ...

this little lady (my $5 brass lamp) has been transformed...

spray painting a couple $4 hooks from home depot instead of spending $14 on them here.

repainting this vintage window that was once green
can you tell I have a thing for the color red?

It's going to be hung above the cube unit

who does love eric carle?

I'll leave you guessing with this one...

Right now the door is off and I'm literally wearing a mask as E paints the door with a magnetic primer.

Also, on the to-do list is find a new home for all of my clothes. Yes, my closet is that small ... and even crazier is that once baby Parker comes E and I will be sharing the closet in our bedroom - WHICH IS ALSO THIS SIZE.

I bought these vintage wooden puzzle pieces on etsy and am going to use them as magnets.

This little guy might be my favorite thing in his room.
We call him Mr. Watson.
I hope Parker loves him as much as we do.

So there ya go! A few more snapshots. 
I am getting really excited about his room and how it is coming together.

Still to do:
1. Hang painted window, hooks, and door.
2. Make some decision about bedding
3. Buy or make an ottoman 
4. Buy a small side table - I'm thinking about a white ceramic garden stool, but I haven't seen any out this year. I saw them everywhere last year, and this year I haven't seen any. If you see one let me know!
5. Mat and frame pictures of vintage airplanes from a vintage book my friend Jen spotted for $5. And to think I thought was only option was paying $40 a piece from PB.
6. Make decisions about any other artwork in the room

Sunday, March 13, 2011

new for spring

I've been hinting at it for awhile ...
but tonight I finally listed four new necklaces for Spring!

All four necklaces are precious in their own way.

Each one is made from a vintage inspired flat back button and adorned with a sweet bow.

You can find them here.

Friday, March 11, 2011

just in

I listed this new necklace and earring set a couple weeks ago ...
and it's been selling like crazy!

So I am excited to announce that I will soon be creating the set in black and blue!

This weekend, I'm also hoping to snap some pictures and add a new set of necklaces made from vintage inspired buttons.
Remember these?

I'll be offering the teacup, bunting, bicycle, and air balloon. 
You'll be able to find them here.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

pregnancy diaries - 30 weeks!!

Hello bloggers! 
Sorry it's been so so long! 
I feel like my to-do list has been a million miles long lately, and blogging always gets pushed back.

But today I am 30 weeks preggo ... and that's something to write about!
I feel like I have reached a milestone. 
I can now officially count down weeks in the single digits. 
He's really coming ... soon!
I feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about my due date approaching. 

Anyways... here is the update at 30 weeks:

how preggo am I?
30 weeks

Parker John Ridd

maternity clothes:
I'm in maternity shirts and pants 100% of the time.
I alternate the same pairs brown and black pants everyday to work. I am excited to be able to start wearing dresses. Although whenever I try on a dress I look in the mirror and feel extra wide. 
My favorite things to wear are my leggings, green Hunter rain boots, gap maternity tanks, lots and lots of hand me downs from my fabulous friends (literally 90% of my maternity wardrobe is handed down from other people), and cardigans. I love being able to wear a maternity shirt paired with a "normal" cardigan. My favorite pair of jeans I've bought are from Gap. I bought them at the end of my first trimester and they've served me well. I also wear them all the time. 
I've started to wear more baby doll shirts. I'm not sure if it is being self-conscious or what. I like wearing tight shirts, but I feel like every time someone comments on how "big" I am. Strangers and people I know. 
People say crazy things to you when you're pregnant. 

Here's a word of advice to everyone out there:
never say anything to a hormonal, uncomfortable pregnant woman that she can't respond with a simple "thanks" to. 
For example you can never respond with "thanks" when someone says "you're looking big ... are you sure there aren't twins in there."
Yes. I have heard that one. Many times. And yes I am pretty sure there's only one baby in me.

He's moving around all the time. I love feeling him move. I love watching my stomach move. Although lately I feel like the spots were he kicks a lot are getting a little bit more tender. Not painful, just tender. I feel him everywhere, but I feel him on my upper right side the most. Lately, I have loved not just being able to feel my stomach move, but to be able to push where he kicks and feel him. I don't know if that makes sense if you haven't ever been pregnant ... but it's a crazy thing. I swear I can feel his foot or elbow pointing out. Sometimes I even feel like my stomach is very slightly lopsided for awhile ... and I figure that his little body is settled more on one side.

Thankfully I am still sleeping really well. My back hurts more when I go to bed, but it's not excruciating. I usually use one of my homemade heating pads. I usually wake up anywhere from 2-4 times to pee. I feel like that's God's way of getting my body used to not sleeping through the night.

what I miss:
Feeling in shape. Feeling like I can walk around easily. Being able to bend over and touch my toes. Being flexible.

I honestly can't think of any cravings I've had lately.

Since I've entered my third trimester, I've encountered a bunch of new symptoms.
Most are not so comfortable. Don't get my wrong, I still feel like this has been an easy pregnancy ... and I feel VERY lucky! But none the less ... I feel pregnant. And so my feet feel sore if I walk too far. My hands start to tingle and swell when I walk far (thankfully they go back down and I can still wear my rings). For the last couple days, I think Parker is pinching one of my nerves. I have this annoying pain about halfway up my back on my right side. It feels like a pinched nerve and it doesn't go away no matter how I move.
I have also started having pelvic/groin pain. This pain was something that I didn't know you got when you were pregnant. For about a week I kept telling E that the muscles between my legs hurt. He just looked at me like "I'm not sure how to help you with this one." I finally asked my dr. and she said that this is common in pregnancy. In a nut shell, she explained that my body is producing hormones that cause the ligaments that hold my pelvic bone in place to loosen up ... so the baby can come out. And that's what causes the pain. Isn't that CRAZY? It's amazing the way that God designed womens' bodies to carry babies. 

best moments {lately}
Last week E and I look our baby moon to the classy & sunny southern city of Charleston, SC. We had a fabulous time ... but I'll share more about that in an upcoming post. 

We've also been working very hard on the nursery. It's really coming together. So together that he could almost live there if he had to. We'd maybe have to buy a sheet and some bottles, but that's about it.

We still have a lot more little projects before the final reveal ... but here's a sneak peak:

I'll share some more pictures once we get a sunny day. I am hesitant to share pictures bc It's not finished, but I know I'll like to look back and see the evolution of the room.

I am also planning on sharing a mini diy on how we did the board and batten.

Another fun memory of the week was shopping at our church's consignment sale for children ... also known as little lambs. It's a wonderful sale that's put on by amazing women at my church. They have the sale every March and August and raise mass money every time. I'll share more about the steals we found soon!