Thursday, February 24, 2011

a break from the absence

Hello Bloggers!
Sorry I have been so absent lately. 
Things have been busy around here and my pregnant body is really telling me I need to slow down.

I'm just not sure how.

But I do know that I vacation will help. Doesn't it always? Especially a vacation with an extra day tagged onto the end to re-coop at home. 

That's right - my time off at work was approved.
I'll spare you the boring details, but it's been a crazy bust two weeks and it came down to the wire. My time off literally didn't get approved until the morning. 

And we're leaving tomorrow.

Yep, tomorrow morning E and I will be leaving rainy KY and heading south to {hopefully} sunny SC! 
We're planning on packing out cooler full of drinks {not too many for me or I'll have to pee a million times} and cuties {baby clementines}. 

So tomorrow evening I should be here ...

We have no plans for this vacation. 
I like it that way.
We can do whatever we want.
And I'm going to soak it in because this will be our last vacation before baby Parker arrives and then I hear the "do whatever we want" theme no longer fits.

My hopes for the trip are:
quality time with my husband
no back aches
the ability to relax
that my nasal cavities would open up.
you know how I mentioned that I was sick several weeks ago {like 4} 
well it just keeps hanging around.
I started out thinking it was a cold, but now I'm convinced it must be something else bc surely no cold lasts for a month.

I've read online that congestion can be associated with pregnancy, but I also have an on and off sore throat so who knows.
I'm just praying that a vacation will be the right medicine.

I'll be back soon with more updates on the nursery. I haven't updated ... well ... because there is nothing to update you on. We've painted the walls and trim & and now all of the furniture has been sitting in our living room for about a week now. Oh well, that's how things go sometimes.

Also, I'll be back soon to share more on the pregnancy diaries. I didn't get any pictures this week so I didn't do a 28 week post. Hopefully I can get E to snap some on the trip. I will go ahead and say that my body is sending me all kinds of signals that the joys of the second trimester are officially over. Signals like this achy back.

That's about it. I'm off to start packing!

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