Sunday, January 30, 2011

pregnancy diaries - 24 weeks

Happy Sunday bloggers!
Hopefully it's sunny where you are ... because it sure is here. 

I'm home from church this morning (sick) ... how can you tell if you are getting the flu or a cold? Anyone know?

I thought that I would catch up on the pregnancy diaries.

So here it goes:

how preggo am I?
24 weeks!
(I'll be 25 weeks on Tuesday)
Time is going fast and slow at the same time - I know that probably doesn't make any sense, but that's how I feel.
I think I'll really feel like I'm almost there when I hit 30 weeks. Counting down the weeks from 10 seems crazy. 
I'm really excited, but also pretty scared to push this baby out.


Parker John Ridd

weight gain:
last time I went to the dr. (a week or so ago) I had gained 25 lbs. A little more than I should have gained by this point. So I am trying to eat healthier and not freak myself out about it. I don't feel like I am eating crazy amounts of food now - so maybe I'll just be one of the people who gains a lot of weight when they're pregnant. 

maternity clothes:
I am all maternity clothes - all the time. 
Shirts and pants.
I don't have a huge selection, but I feel like I have a pretty good rotation going. 
My favorite and most comfortable things to wear are my black old navy leggings, old navy jeggings, and just the plain stretchy shirts from Gap.

I feel Parker moving everyday now. I feel him the most when I am waking up and still in bed in the morning, when I'm sitting on the couch at night, and when I am laying in bed at night.
I don't ever feel him when I am standing up, but I hear that's pretty normal.
I still love feeling him move. It lets me know that he is doing ok in there. E feel him move every now and then. A lot of time though, Parker will be moving to I'll have E put his hand on my belly and then he'll stop! 

Some of his kicks are getting stronger, but I wouldn't call them uncomfortable. 
Also, every now and then I can see him kicking. Always on my right side. He must be stretch out across my stomach.

I've been sleeping great. I still use my body pillow most nights, and get up 1-2 times to pee. I do notice that as I am getting bigger, it feels like more work to roll myself over to my other side. I usually wake myself up when I need to roll over.

what I miss:
Really I don't miss anything too much. I have said that I want a diet coke right after I give labor. I want to drink caffeine and aspartame and not feel guilty. I know a lot of people say that they drank it the whole time they were pregnant, and I do every now and then, but I still feel guilty when I do. 
I also just miss being flexible. Being able to move around quickly, or being able to get on and off the floor quickly!

Ya know, I honestly can't think of anything that I've been craving. 
I've had more of a sweet tooth lately, specifically chocolate - but I've been trying to limit myself.

I still have to say, I have been so so so so blessed throughout this pregnancy. Other than a few minor aches or pains, I have felt fabulous. There are still so many days when I feel totally normal (just a little less limber).
I haven't had any heartburn, back pain, or morning sickness ... and for that I am thankful.

The main "symptom" I've had lately is just getting bigger and feeling less mobile. 
A few other things have bee going on too:
my hair has been dry and growing like crazy - so I cut like 5 or 6 inches off
my linear negra (the dark line down my belly) is getting darker 
my belly has been so so itchy - but still no stretch marks (yes!)
i can also tell that I have been more emotional than I normally am - last week I cried telling E something rude that someone said to me! 

best moment of the week(s):
I have a few:
Being able to feel him move everyday has been one of the best parts.

Shopping for/designing his nursery

Registering - a couple weeks ago E and I registered at Babies R Us. It wasn't as overwhelming as I thought it would be. It took a long time, and we were not really sure what everything was, but overall it went smoothly. I'm also going to go to Buy Buy Baby and register for a few more things.

Baby Parker's health, growth, and development.

Also if you remember, please be praying at 8:00 tomorrow. I have an interview (within the same company that I work for now) for a part-time (28hr) position doing pretty much the same thing I do now. 

So that's about it ... I'll be back soon to share some treasures I've found for his nursery.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

so cozy

I love this room. 
It's so simple and so cozy.
The vintage details are perfect.
I love the shutter. 
I love the folding wire laundry basket (I can't tell you how many times I bid of one of these on ebay and lost). 
I love the dainty red dot pillow. 
I love the pom poms on the lamp.
I love the locker baskets (also bid on a lot of these and lost).
I love the little white distressed cabinet.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

mirror mirror

from goodwill for only $20

started out looking like this:

and with a little but of paint:

she's transformed into this:

then I added a bunting out of leftover scrapbook paper

Sunday, January 23, 2011

parker's nursery: part 3

Hello Bloggers! 
I just want to check in and share some of the progress we've made on Parker's nursery.
I almost hate sharing these pictures because I know the room has so far to go, but I know I'll enjoy going back and seeing how it came together.

Remember the room started about kind of like this:

and in the past couple weeks we've picked up a few items 
hamper/diaper pail (not sure which we'll use it for yet) - $15
cube storage unit - $40
vintage toys - $2
vintage swivel rocker - $15 
vintage buffet that E refinished and we'll use as a changing table - $150
rug - $40
fabric to re-do pelmet boxes and make pillow - $30
crib - free

Here is how the room is currently looking:

It's coming along  -  don't ya think?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

diaper bag

I think I've found the perfect diaper bag:

gender neutral
will go well with lots of different outfits
fun fabric 
leather accents
deep pockets

all the good stuff 

Friday, January 21, 2011


Today I am dreaming about being here:

{taken on our trip to Italy last spring}

with him

{taken on our "family vacation" with friends to North Carolina}

As I look at these pictures ... I am reminded of how much I miss the sun.
{and I feel freaked out comparing my body then ... to the giant belly I have now! Wow, pregnancy does crazy things to you.}

Thursday, January 20, 2011

snowy nights

Happy {almost} Friday Bloggers!
I wasn't planning on writing tonight, but E and I are snowed in so I thought I should take advantage of the free night. 

So I'll go ahead and warn you guys that since I didn't have a post planned ... I'm just going to unload a bunch of random stuff on you.

1. First, I'll share a photo I have saved on my desktop titled "inspiration." 

It's under the file "inspiration" because it is not from my house. Although I wish I was. It's from the home of one of my favorite bloggers - Meg
I am going thrifting with two of my favorite people next Saturday - I hope I find treasures just like the ones in this picture.

2. I am feeling super pregnant lately. In a not so good way. Physically I feel fine. Nothing really hurts. I am just feeling a little tired of being so big. I am also tired of people telling me how big I am. It's never ok to tell a person how big or "huge" they are. Especially a hormonal pregnant woman.

3. To go along with #2 - I have been craving sweets and carbs like none other in my life. My self-control has gone down the drain. I feel drawn to chocolate and then I immediately feel guilty. It's a viscous cycle. Any suggestions? I don't think the gloomy weather helps either. Coldness and no snow makes me want to eat chocolate even more. 

4. To go along with #4 - today I decided to take control. I went to Kroger and bought things for a healthy lunch - blueberries, sweet potato, water with lime, & sharp cheddar cheese. After I finished my lunch I still felt hungry & unsatisfied ... so I ate a doughnut. 

5. I love the way the snow looks, but I am getting a little tired of driving in it. Especially since I have a 30 - 45 min commute. All these snow days lately make me want to work for a school. 

6. E and I are praying though and processing some BIG changes in our lives ... especially his. I can't share now, but I will whenever decisions are made. Please pray that God's leading would be very clear during this season of change and uncertainty. 

7. In the past week I have really started pursuing part-time work. AND - something may open up. Nothing has happened yet, but something may be in the works. 

8. E and I have made progress on the nursery. I will share pictures as soon as I get a sunny day to take some - hopefully this weekend. This past weekend we ...
* bought a super soft rug for only $40.00. It's a tad smaller than what I hoped, but I think that we will make it work for the price.
* moved out all of the furniture that was in the room ... and then moved the swivel rocker and dresser in.

* bought this organizer from Home Depot:
{and put it together in less than 1hr}

This purchase was inspired by this nursery:

* Also, E's parents brought down the crib for us on Sunday. It's not together yet ... or painted ... but I think it will be perfect!

9. E and I have officially decided on the location of our baby moon - SAN FRANCISCO!
We're looking at the end of Feb, but we haven't booked anything or requested time off. I guess we should get on that really soon.

10. Our good friends who we visited in Paris this summer just moved to Marseille, France. They now live about 10 minutes from the beach. I am dying to go visit them. I guess I'll have to wait until baby Parker is born, and then bring him along :) (I'm not kidding)

11. I love making jewelry. I am excited to maybe go part-time someday and have more time to create new pieces and grow my little handmade business.

12. Alright I am off to read ... which is what I said I was going to do on this snowy night ... but it's 9:00 and I am just now picking up my book. I get so distracted by electronics. However, I did catch up on last night's episode of Modern Family ... and that was totally worth it. HILARIOUS. Hands down the best show on TV.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

i would do anything

for these airplane prints 

I'm mildly obsessed. 
(This nursery belongs to the lucky son of Jennifer Chused, one of the head designers at Dwell Studio. )

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

pregnancy diaries - 22 weeks

how preggo am I?
22 weeks! 
(18 more to go - due date is May 17th)

We're expecting a baby boy - Parker John Ridd
At first I was a little nervous about having a boy. I wondered if I could connect with a boy ... I just know a lot more about girls since I am one. Lately, my heart has totally changed. I am so thankful and excited about having a boy. I think a lot of my excitement comes from seeing how excited E is about having a boy.

weight gain:
I don't know. I don't own a scale because I have issues with putting too much importance on weight and body image. 
I go to the dr. tomorrow so I'll know for the next update. 

maternity clothes:
I am full-time in maternity plants and tops. I don't know why I ever fought it. Maternity clothes are SO much more comfortable. However, I do still wear a lot of my long sweaters that are not maternity (like the one in these pictures). My favorite thing to wear are the leggings I am wearing in these pictures. I also love my maternity jeggings that I found at old navy. There's something about being able to tuck my boots in that makes me feel a little less "mommy." 

Parker is moving like crazy folks! I love it. I think feeling him move is the best part so far. It no longer feels like someone is stirring my insides, but instead I can feel actual kicks. E can feel them too! Not only can I feel the kicks from the "outside," but I can SEE THEM TOO. There truly is no miracle that compares to growing a baby inside you and seeing him/her move around. I am so thankful that I am a woman and get the opportunity to experience pregnancy. The other night I asked E if he was jealous that he doesn't get to be pregnant, and he looked at my like I was crazy ... but I meant it. It is such an amazing thing to go through! I look forward to relaxing on the couch at night and feeling him move around. I swear that the other night I could tell his kicks were his little feet. I would feel one little kick and then a couple seconds later I would feel another kick right next to the first.

I don't know if my uterus has shifted or what, but I don't have to pee as much at night. I'm only getting up like once a night ... which is so much better than 4! I am also using a body pillow. It's massive, but I think it helps. When I don't use it, I wake up with pain through my neck/shoulder.

what I miss:
Nothing really this week. Maybe being about to take a bath and drink a glass of wine, but I don't even miss that too much. I'm getting used to my hot showers and water with lime.

My cravings haven't been really strong lately. I still love some cinnamon ice cream and chipotle. I am frequenting chipotle about once a week. I like both of those things more than normal, but I don't obsessively crave them, like I need them now. Along with those too I think I am eating more chocolate and pizza ... all the good things right?

Don't hate me for saying this ... but I feel great. I honestly can say that pregnancy has been really easy so far. I don't know what the next 18 weeks will hold, but up until now I would say I've had it good. Fatigue is gone, no heartburn, no weird pains, and I never had morning sickness. Just yesterday I told E that I love being pregnant. Am I crazy?
We'll see what I am saying when I enter my 3rd trimester.

I pretty much feel like my normal self, but with a big belly. My belly sticking out and feeling him move is about the only thing that really makes me feel preggo. 

best moment(s) of the week:
Feeling and seeing him move around inside of me ... and E being able to see/feel him too!
I have also started working on his nursery, and I love it. I'll take any excuse to redecorate a room. I went thrift shopping with my friend Jen and landed lots of treasures for his nursery.

Please pray for our ultrasound tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is the full anatomy ultrasound. I know his little life is in God's hands, but it will be a relief to know that he is growing to he healthy and strong. 

Also, please pray that I would land a part-time job. My heart feels so anxious about it. I love what I do, and I would really like to keep doing what I am doing (or something similar), but I definitely don't want to be full-time. I know that God has gone before us in every other phase of our lives, and perfectly provided, but for some reason my faith is still lacking and I get consumed with fear.

Monday, January 10, 2011

parkers nursery: part 2

Happy Monday Bloggers! 
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend. I was a lucky lady and got to do a lot of the fun things I listed. The snow on Saturday almost stopped my friend Jen and I from exploring the thrift stores, but we decided to brave the roads anyway. I was SO happy that we did. I landed lots of treasures ... mostly for baby Parker. Actually I think everything I bought was for baby Parker. 

The biggest treasure of the day was this navy blue swivel rocker that I landed for $15.00!!!

Yes friends, I bought this rocker/glider for less than $20.00. I was trilled. I've been looking for a rocker for Parker's nursery for awhile now. This one was a perfect price, in excellent condition, and the color goes with his room. 

Remember this is the color scheme I am going with:

I love that it doesn't been to be reupholstered. It's a little darker than the pictures makes it look. I think it will look adorable with a little yellow and white chevron pillow. Thankfully I bought an extra half yard of the chevron fabric that I'm going to use for the pelmet boxes. 

I'm having a little regret over not buying these...
I know I can't have it all, but they're just so perfect...

(I would use this metal trash can as a hamper)

Who knows, maybe I'll go back later this week to see if they're still there.

So here is the progress we've made on the nursery:

things we have:

crib: check! (we're using the one that E used as a baby)
glider/rocker: check!
window treatments: check!
changing table: check!
things we still need:

I think I'm going to price out how much it would cost to get a piece of carpet bound (anyone getting new carpet and have left over scraps??)

white bookcase:
I have been scouring the pages of craigslist daily.
I was originally set on getting a cubed type of bookcase like this one:

but then I saw this image and also loved this look:

crib bedding:
I want to make my own bumper and fitted sheet, but I'm really scared that I am not that skilled. I don't really know how to sew.


anyone know where I print pictures of vintage airplanes?

toys, locker baskets,hamper, industrial letter p, ect.

I'm sure there are a lot of other things I'm not thinking of, but it's late and so I think I'm going to sign off for now! Once we get the room cleared out, I'll start taking pictures of the room as it comes together.

Friday, January 7, 2011

in for the night

it's cold 
it's the weekend 
and I am in for the night 

enjoying a bizarre hot and cold mix of cinnamon ice cream and tea 

I started the weekend off right (thanks to the amazing gift card from my husband) and got an amazing pedicure.
I love pedicures. I could get one every week. 

E is gone this weekend and I have filled it with everything that he doesn't like to do.

Things like:
prenatal yoga
lunch dates
thrift store shopping with no agenda
reading this book 
hot showers
make pelmet boxes for Parker's room (using this Michael Miller chevron fabric)

I hope that you also get to enjoy all the things you love this weekend. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

parker's nursery: part 1

As of today, Parker's nursery looks like this ...
(our previous spare bedroom in shambles)

I know, it's a big hot mess.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that with a lot of hard work and internet browsing, it will turn into something lovely (lovely in a little boy way).

This weekend we started staining the buffet we bought to use as a changing table.
Thankfully it was already sanded when we bought it ...
and looked like this ...

I am in love with all the curvy details. The bonus is that after he no longer needs to be changed, he can use it as a dresser. 

So far, we've stained it a dark and rich color. 
(sorry about the poor iphone quality)

We haven't sealed it with poly - but that's the best step. We're going to use a semi-gloss poly to give it a little shine. 

It also came with really fun, heavy, black knobs and pulls that we'll put on as soon as it's finished. 

More pictures to come ... 

One other thing ... I don't have a picture to share, but we've landed a vintage jenny lind crib.
It's the same crib that E used as a baby & that makes it extra special. 

So we already have the changing table and crib! 
We're on our way. 

And a little New Year message for you ...