How Far Along: 13 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure because I don't own a scale. I did weigh myself at work and I think I've gained around 12 lbs since we started trying.
Maternity Clothes: This week I busted out the maternity clothes. A lady at our church gave me a whole huge box of hand me downs. It was such a blessing to not have to go out and buy all new work pants and stuff. I came home the night that she gave them to me and tried everything on. Oh my! I had no idea how uncomfortable I had been for the past week or so. Who knew the stretchy band could feel so good. I am still wearing all of the shirts just fine. Although I prefer the maternity pants, some of my regular pants still fit ok when I do the hair band thing.
Gender: Well up until this week I had no feeling at all. NONE. Then all of the sudden this week I started thinking boy. This week I told E that if I had to guess I would say boy. Before this week I couldn't have even guessed. I was totally clueless. E and I will find out what we're having at 16 weeks. I guess we'll see ...
Movement: None, but I don't really expect any this early. I can't wait to feel "it" move though! I think about it a lot when I am sitting still on the couch. Sometimes I think could that have been the baby? Then I realize - no - that's my stomach growling bc I have been starving all week.
Sleep:I have been sleeping great. I do wake up about 1-2 times to pee ... which is not like me at all. I usually sleep through the night.
What I miss: Burning hot baths, lunch meat, and diet coke. Oh year and I also miss sweet tea. I practically miss being able to order something other than Sprite or Water at a restuarant.
Cravings: Chipotle. Right now I could eat it everyday. I asked E if we could eat at Chipotle tonight ... he said that it didn't sound good :(
Symptoms: I'll just go ahead and say it - hair on my belly. Weird I know. It's not a lot, but it's a little bit more than normal. I didn't even know that this could be a pregnancy symptom until I googled it. I also read a couple places that this could be a sign that you're expecting a boy. Maybe that's what's swayed me. Also, I think the baby must be going through a growth spurt bc I am starving this week. At least I hope it is growing bc my belly sure is. I would say that I have really popped this week. I can notice a big difference between week 12 and 13. Apparently other people can as well bc they come up to me and say "I just saw you a couple days ago and you look bigger now then you did then." When I hear that, part of me gets excited that yes I really am pregnant and showing ... and the other part gets freaked out. If I am growing bigger each day, then how big will I get????? It's a scary thought.
Best Moment this week: By far the best moment of the week was having my first person who didn't know as if I was pregnant. Yep, a grandmother of one of my client's looked down at my belly and said "are you???" I think she was a little nervous of offending me if I were not.
I always love reading your blog! I can only imagine what your precious baby will feel when coming back and reading it also (obviously at an older age). The baby is definitely going to be so loved <3