Tuesday, June 29, 2010

he makes no mistakes

Last Friday, Eric and I anxiously waited for our doctor to deliver the amazing news - we were expecting our first baby.

Four days later we waited for the doctors phone call to inform me that I had a miscarriage.

This is so hard. 
I went back and worth, deciding if this was too personal to share. I decided that writing about it would help me gather my thoughts, emotions, and most of all support. 

I only knew I was pregnant for a couple days, but it was so exciting. 
It's amazing that you could love something so itty bitty ... so very much.

Please be in prayer for Eric and I. 
Please lift up your hearts to God that as we grieve this loss, He would mold our hearts closer together. 

I feel a deep sense of loss, but at the same time I know that God is an amazingly sovereign God. 


...He makes no mistakes...
That is the truth that I want to rule in my heart.

    The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away;
       may the name of the LORD be praised
Job 1:21

Also, please pray for my appointment with the doctor tomorrow. My lab results also showed that part of my blood type is RH negative. This isn't totally uncommon, but it is something that could affect future pregnancies.

Please pray for us as we continue on this journey.
I would love to be a mom someday.

Psalm 34:18
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

my bedroom smells like an old book

Here's a little DIY!
E kept trying to convince me to name the title of this post ... words with friends ... I refused because I HATE that game.

If you've been reading the blog, then you know that I've been wanting to cover one of our bedroom walls with pages from an old book.

I bought a couple of old readers digest books many weeks ago, but I've been putting the project off. 

Since this is my last week off work {I start my new job on Monday}, I figured that I better get busy. 

So here you go ... the evolution of a wall...

{sorry about the picture of the cats butt}

1. Buy old books, wall paper paste, and some foam sponges. 

2. Tear out pages and cut off rough edges with scissors.

3. Cover the back of each page with the wallpaper/border paste. Stick to the wall. I'd also keep a credit card handy to smooth air bubbles!

{Yes, I am wearing strawberry shortcake pants. What can I say, I'm a classy lady}

4. Stand back and enjoy!

Here's the wall from a few other angles

It was a little time consuming, but overall a very easy project!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i'm a little teacup

Hello Bloggers! 
I feel like I have a bit of writers block. So, I figured I would just share this lovely picture with you. 

I'll be back soon and share a little project that I've been working on. Hint ... my bedroom smells like an old book! 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


If I owned a jewelry store ... I would want it to look like this one ...

Would you like to come work with me?

Monday, June 21, 2010

summer solstice

Happy Summer Solstice bloggers! 
I know I said the European adventures were over ... but I just can't help myself.

In honor of today being the first day of summer, I thought I would share these lovely pictures with you.

Gelato on a stick! Nothing could be more fitting for these steamy summer days!

Is your mouth watering yet??

I'm excited about the first day of summer! However, this morning I received the word that I will officially be starting my new job next Monday. I feel like going back to working full-time = end of my summer. Oh well, that's life right! It is going to be an adjustment though ... that's for sure. I am going to try to be real focused this last week ... stock pile lots of jewelry, finish working in the yard, and work on a few projects around the house! Alright, I'm off to work on a few new necklaces!

book worm

I've been in between jobs for going on two months. I would say that I have enjoyed every second of it, but that would be an understatement. I am going back to work in the next week or so, and I have mixed feelings about it. I feel called to the work that I do, however, I have come to believe that I could be completely content not working. I have SO many things that I could fill my time with. Maybe someday I'll sell enough jewelry to become a self-employed crafter! I can think of nothing better than for all of my girlfriends to become successfully self-employed. Then, we could go to the pool together on a daily basis! Oh, I can dream. 

Anyways, while I've been off I have been reading a ton. I feel like I am devouring everything that I get my hands on. While in Europe, I read four books. That is definitely a record for me. I only brought one book with me ... that was a silly mistake. 

I guess I thought that I would be really busy. I read the entire book during our 8 hr flight. It was absolutely fabulous!! Everyone should read this book. You will not be disappointed. 

Then, I was left to roam the streets of Paris, desperate to find something written in English. It was actually more difficult than I thought. I finally found a bookstore that had a small English section. Turns out the only English books they had were ones that had been written by Hemingway, Fitzgerald, or turned into a movie. Since it was vacation, I opted for the ones that have been or are going to turned into movies.

I picked up these books ...

Eat, Pray, Love was interesting. It was without a doubt a captivating read. The writer spoke with a unique honesty. Although we would disagree on many issues of theology, I will still challenged by her passion to find pleasure, love, and balance in this life. 

Next, I read this classy novel .... bahahaha

I have been a long time SATC fan. Carrie life before NYC totally took me back to my high school years. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. I can't wait to see SATC2, however, I am waiting for my good friend Shannon to come in town so we can see it together. I won't give too much about the book away, but I will say that if you are a SATC fan, then you will LOVE the last sentence in the book. Please though, don't cheat and read the last sentence first. It won't mean anything without the background that the book provides. 

Lastly, I read this book/collection of articles. 
Malcolm Gladwell has a very clever way of viewing ordinary things. There were a couple great chapters on birth control and homelessness. I know the two aren't really related ... they were two entirely separate articles. 

Since, I've been back I read this book...

This is the by far the best book that I have read in a long time. I loved the Mark of the Lion series, however, I may have even loved this book more. If you're looking for a good summer read, then pick this book up! It really makes you think about how different things used to be. It also caused me to critically look at the world today and see what "lines" we need to get rid of.
Sadly, I went from reading The Help to this book....

It's a short book, and since I read all the others in the saga, I felt like I should read this one as well. It's difficult to get into after reading a book like The Help.

I currently have these books in my Amazon cart ...

I already own these two, but have never read them. They're also on my summer reading list ...

Also, I would like to read this book after E finishes it.

I'm curious...

What's on your summer reading list?
Have you recently stumbled upon any "must reads"?

Sunday, June 20, 2010


In the past year I have discovered the smooth and delicious avocado. I know that they've been around forever, but I never tried them until this recent year. I am in love! I love slicing one up for a snack ... and adding a little salt and pepper of course.

Have you all heard about the new avocados grown in Florida vs. Cali? They're known as SlimCados. They're marketed based on the fact that they have less fat and less calories than the hass avocado. 

Has anyone tried these? Do they taste the same? 

I don't think this is something that I'll buy into to. I'm sure that they will cost more than the normal avocados. The main reason that I won't be buying in is because avocados are a healthy fat that our body needs. However, I do find them interesting!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

european adventures: cinque terre & Pisa

Hello Bloggers! 
Thanks for tuning in for the last segment of E and I's European adventures. I feel like I have been blogging about our trip for a really long time. I'm starting to worry that I won't know what to blog about after the European adventures are over ... although I'm sure I'll think of lots of random stuff.

For the last leg of our trip we headed North from Florence to a small coastal area known as Cinque Terre. In Italian, Cinque Terre means five cities .... and that's what it is ... a collection of five coastal cities. 

It was a perfect end to the trip. Very relaxing. Everything about it was perfect ... except the place where we stayed. The place we stayed is not photo worthy. Actually, I would like to erase it from my memory for the rest of my life. However, E did snap some pictures of all the creepy crap in it. The pictures are kind of funny looking back ... it was not funny at the time. For this post I'll leave you with the pretty pictures. Maybe I'll share the creeper ones some other time. 

So, without further adieu ... here is Cinque Terre!

On our way to the airport we stopped by the Leaning Tower of Pisa ...