Hola Chica's!
Happy Easter!!
I hope that it was sunny wherever you are, because it was absolutely lovely here.
God provided an amazing day for us to celebrate His resurrected Son.
On another note, E and I safely returned to the states on Friday night.
Here is a group shot that we took the day before we left.
Since then, I have been adjusting back to normalcy. You know - laundry, grocery shopping, and most of all sweeping up dog hair.
In all seriousness, I have been doing a lot of thinking and re-adjusting to life back in America. Even a short-term mission trip has a way of shaking you up - in a good way.
I am doing a lot of processing and can't wait to share all of my thoughts, experiences, and most of all pictures with you.
Right now, I am clinging to the memories. As my life goes on here, so do the lives of the people in Costa Rica.
I have tons to share with you, but for now I will leave you with this single picture. I feel like it sums up our trip pretty well.
Just kidding - sort of! While we did do a lot of labor, we also spent a ton of time building relationships and enjoying amazing food!
Between E and I, we took a TON of pictures. Tonight, I uploaded over 500 to my hard-drive. So to properly warn you, this week I will be blogging a ton about our trip.
You may need to take a seat and stay awhile.
{Despite the condition, I absolutely love this chair. If I could have got it through customs, I probably would have brought it home with me. A set of two would go perfectly in the kitchen re-do. The kitchen re-do that is only in my mind at this time. I have currently put the plans on pause, and all money saved is now going towards E and I's trip to France. Someday we would like to start a family, so we figured that we can save and re-do our kitchen anytime. However, our European travel dreams are not as flexible.}
Sorry for the tangent! Sometimes when I write on here, I literally feel like my mind is spilling out. I guess that is what blogging is for.
I'll be back soon to share more of our Latin America adventures!!
I feel the same about European adventures!!! Seth and I wanted to go in September, but I think we're going to have to put it off until next year so we can save up our $$. Yay for travel adventures!