Friday, February 19, 2010

stuffed owl

As one of my gifts for the baby shower, I made Cory this sweet little stuffed owl! 
I told you that I was trying to expand my sewing skills. 
It actually wasn't very difficult, except for the fact that I had to make two. I got a little overzealous and sewed the entire thing shut ... leaving no opening for stuffing. I used the seam ripper, but the fabric was too frayed and sewn too close, that it was just easier to start over. Live and learn right?

Start by creating your own little pattern. I had E do this part for me because my drawing skills are unbelievably terrible. I had him draw one side and them I traced it to ensure that it was symmetrical. 

Next, I traced out fabric for the front and back. I used a brown linen for the front and a fun polka dot pattern for the back.

I also used the same polka dot fabric for the wings.

Pin the wings in place.

Sew around all edges using a zig zag stitch. You can also use a fusible bonding material to keep the wings in place. I didn't have any in the house so I just didn't use it. Use the same zig zag stitch around the feet.

I use felt for the eyes, nose, and feet. You could also use whatever scraps of fabric you had around the house. Sew the front and back together. Then, turn it inside out as you would with a pillow. After you turn it inside out ... it should look like this. And ... don't forget to leave a place to stuff. How silly could I be? Who does that?

Stuff & sew an invisible stitch to close the opening. 
Here is a great tutorial if you are I was and not sure how to do an invisible stitch.
Adorable huh? I hope that baby Margrave enjoys "her" little owl!
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Umm and totally not related - NEVER go into Sephora and ask for help picking out ANYTHING! You will totally get suck in. It happened to me tonight. I went in to buy eye cream and after talking to someone that works there, my hands were full of foundation, concealer, a concealer base, a brightening stick (didn't even know they made that before tonight), bronzer, and eye cream. The cosmetic industry is an unbelievably scary and amazingly fun thing all at the same time. 

One last thing ... we are officially becoming a two dog family TOMORROW. Yes, it is official ... Stella is getting a sister. I promise to post a picture of our newest addition real soon.


  1. Key-Yute little owl! Your sewing skills are advancing at lightning speed I see. My machine is still in the box in my little foyer. And also congrats on the new puppy :o)

  2. i love the owl!!! yay rach! :)

  3. this is the cutest thing ever! do you think you could us one? i'm not kidding. if it's too much trouble i understand, but i will pay you. i love owls! what do you think?

  4. 1. i heart my owl
    2. did you buy all of those things from sephora?
    3. i don't like that you're getting another dog
    4. love you!
