Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Desination: Steamboat Springs

I'm leaving on a jet plane ... as of tomorrow at 5 am! Pray for my safety & that I return with all of my limbs. This is my first skiing trip out west and I am excited / nervous.
Talk to you again soon. Hope that you have a fabulous week.


  1. oh my goodness rachel, steamboat is wonderful! it's my favorite place to ski in colorado! I know you will have a great time.. enjoy it! :)

  2. Steamboat is so fun - winter or summer. Have fun.

  3. Fun times!!! Have a safe trip!!! What a beautiful place to go ski!

  4. Steamboat is my favorite place. I would like to open a coffee shop/bookstore in the precious main strip named jitters or the jitter bug.
