Sunday, December 6, 2009

the kreative award

This post is way overdue, but better late than never right? It seems like forever ago that Savannah over at Pitter Patter nominated me with this super sweet award! Thanks Savannah! With no shame, I will admit that I read every post she writes and think to myself ... we were totally meant to be friends!

here are the rules:
-thank the person who nominated me for the award
-copy the logo and place it on my blog
-link to the person who nominated me
-list 7 things people may not know about me
-nominate 7 creative bloggers
-post their links
-leave a comment on each
So here it goes ...
It is difficult to think of things that you all do not already know, but I will take a swing at it.

I am terribly afraid of escalators. Yep I have a phobia of those things you ride up and down at the mall. I am not sure where the fear came from, I never had a traumatic event that triggered the fear. Being in the mental health field I know that the best way to address of fear is to expose yourself to it. So when I go to the mall, I do use the escalators, but my feet still hurt when I do it. Yeah, my feet hurt when I feel scared. Does that happen to anyone else other than me?

I got married when I was 20 years old. When you know, you know right? A lot of people think that is crazy, but it has been amazing. When I got married my Grandmother who also married young and stayed married to my Grandfather for over 50 years until he passed, said to me "getting married is fun, you get to grow up together." This has been so true for E and I ... and I am so thankful for that!

Since I was like 15, my best girlfriends have been getting together and celebrating Christmas together! We call it Girl's Christmas ... creative huh? Girl's Christmas is one of my absolute favorite parts of Christmas. I look forward to it every year. Last year we switched things up a little bit and add the stipulation that all of our gifts must be handmade. This had made Girl's Christmas even better than I could have ever imaged. So, this Saturday we will celebrate our annual Girl's Christmas party. I can't wait to see what all of my creative friends made this year.

I have an 11 year old baby sister. This year I began my first year of graduate school and she began the 5th grade. My parents have been raising kids for practically forever. I love being a big sister. Next year she will be in middle school and I am not sure how I feel about that.

E and I are planning on going to France this Fall to visit his best friend. Nothing is booked yet, but it is in the works. Ever been? Got any travel advice for us?

I am married to a youth pastor. It is a unique thing being married to someone who works for a church. The work / life boundaries are different than any other job, and at times that can be a challenge. But ... most of the time it is a lot of fun! I get to serve alongside of him and lead a group of 11th grade girls. I love it! I am excited to be finished with school, so then I can dedicate more time to things like this! I mean ... who wouldn't rather hang upside down on a Velcro wall?

I LOVE to read {especially a good memoir} ... but I have never jumped on the Harry Potter or Twilight bandwagon. I'm not opposed, I just haven't. Over Christmas break I am going to dive into the first book of the Twilight saga. Don't judge.

Hope I came up with at least one thing that you didn't already know. If not, I bet that was really boring ... sorry!

Lastly, my keativ blogger nominations go to : Courtney at The Nitz Family, Anne at Where Your Treasure Is, Adrianna at Dreams of Perfection, Hannah at Maple and Shade, Cory at Inexpressible and Glorious Joy, Carly at Nothing is Impossible, and Angie at Thirsty Hearts.


  1. Whenever I see escalators I think about how they terrify you and how we made you ride them at your bachelorette party. And hug that old man. BAAAHAHAHA!!!

  2. is that me on the velcro wall? hahah

  3. haha it might be! It was taken out at the land. I looked at the picture together and still couldn't figure out who it was!
