Thursday, August 6, 2009

an itty bitty baby

This is not a post about the American Girl doll I coveted in the 4th grade.

This is a post about the itty bitty baby that is growing in my friend Cory's belly!

Yesterday, Cory announced that her and Dusty are expecting their first child.

Here "he/she" is!

In her announcement, Cory said "the baby is mostly just a blob right now." I was going to name this post "an itty bitty blob," but I didn't want to make any sort of reference to my beliefs on when life begins. Whatever your beliefs are, Cory has a baby in her belly. Their baby is due on March 21st...only 5 days before my bday :) I like to think he/she is going to be born on my birthday!!

I don't know a lot about babies or being a mom, but I do know that if I have a baby one day I want to carry it in one of these...

Congratulations Cory and Dusty!
For today, I am going to continue parenting my wild puppy!

FYI: Tomorrow I have the honor of attending a "cat shower" for my office mate. I will let you know how it goes. I will be bringing yarn.
On another note, here are some pictures I did not add to my bathroom post.
These are truly "before" pictures.

Here is what the bathroom looked like before the demolition even began...


  1. i have A LOT of things to comment on right now...

    1. i am so pumped about cory's baby!!!! we're aunts!!

    2. a cat shower...i am smiling VERY big [even though i'm allergic]. i think that palmer should be invited to this shower. he would be the best guest EVER.

    3. to upload flickr photos onto my blog i just save them to my desktop and then add them in like any other picture. i don't know if that's the fastest, most efficient way but it works.

    4. GLAD WE'RE FRIENDS!!!!!

  2. Jen-
    Palmer is the guest of honor

  3. so you YOUR cat is the one having that shower....that's the funniest thing i've ever heard! i'm so happy. i hope palmer does magic tricks.

    i also forgot to comment the last time that i too, hope to carry my baby in a hippy sling. will you wrap me up in one? i don't think i'll be able to do that AND hold a baby all at one time.
